
It is necessary to appraise the credibility of the customer in order to mitigate the credit risk. Proper evaluation of the customer is performed which measure the financial condition and the ability of the customer to repay back the loan in future.

The program will cover the following areas:

The banks and financial institutions have been experiencing considerable difficulties in recovering bad debts over the years caused negative impact upon banks' profit. Keeping in view, we are pleased to offer program on debt recovery.

NBI is pleased to announce one day program on Anti Money Laundering / Combating the Financing of Terrorism based on recent law passed in June 2014 in the national and international context.

The banking & financial institutions in Nepal has seen exponential growth. The competitive market has stretched the limits of customer numbers.

Internal audit is essential for every bank’s internal controls and its capital assessment procedure. Its functions assist the senior management in efficient and effective discharge of their responsibilities.

Bank personnel with interest to develop the better foundation on MS-Excel are highly recommended to attend our new program for mastering the skills on Excel.

National Banking Institutes announces program on Project Financing. The program aims to provide an opportunity for the participants to increase their insights and broaden their capacity in “Energy Project Finance” domain.

With the issuance of notice from the Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) lifting the ban on circulation of Indian currency notes of 500 and 1000 rupee, the banks now needs to be more cautious towards the inflow of the fake currency notes.

The program aims to equip participants with sound knowledge on foreign exchange management to deal with day to day operations. The foreign exchange market has unique characteristics.

The program will focus on developing conceptual skills of staff working in the Cash Area as well as provide a holistic environment for staff to clear up issues being faced on a day to day basis in their work place. The major aim of this Training Program is to make the participants aware about the

Banking industry in Nepal has rapidly grown in last decade. With the growth and expansion the industry has faced acute shortage of skill amongst its existing pool of human capital.

Bank and Financial Institutions have been giving extra focus in growing Retail/ Consumer Lending in the recent days as it contributes in diversifying the risks and enhancing the customer base.

NBI is pleased to announce a program on Anti Money Laundering / Combating the Financing of Terrorism.

Credit Appraisal is the process that bank assesses the credit worthiness of the borrower.

· Knowledge of Card & e Banking Products

· Enhancement of skill in selling Card &e Banking products

· Comprehensive knowledge of ATM and its Operations

The banking industry in Nepal has seen exponential growth. The competitive market has stretched the limits of customer needs. Banks and financial institutions need to tackle theissue; innovative marketing of one’s banking products becomes essential.

The ability to communicate effectively in various business situations has to be developed.

Credit Appraisal is the process that bank assesses the credit worthiness of the borrower.
