Loans & Advances

Training Category: Credit


A structured training program for beginners / fresh trainees for understanding of loans & advances and risk management.

The program is designed specifically for fresh banking professionals (beginners / trainees) who aspire to make their career in banking.  This course is therefore for anyone who wants to attain initial understanding of the credit underwriting process, different loans and advances and risk management process in banking.

The course balances between theory and practice, through case studies, interactive sessions, sharing experiences of the participants, etc., to make it both challenging and valuable for their work.

In line with the Regulator’s high focus on “business with compliance” and given the enormous challenges banks face with the incremental capital, this course is expected to also assist the fresh banking professionals to understand the basics of loans & advances and risk management; one of the greatest need of the hour for our banking & financial sector. 

This course is expected to prepare the trainees / fresh joiners to take up higher challenges in banking and be one step ahead of their contemporaries.