Activities calendar

30 January 2018

Demystifying Risk Based Internal Audit

Risk Based Internal Auditing (RBIA) is a audit methodology that links an organisation's overall risk management framework and allows internal audit function to provide assurance to the board that risk management processes effectively, in line with risk appetite define by the Bank.


                 The Basel Core Principle for Effective Banking Supervision, and Basel/OECD Corporate Governance Principles of Banks requires the internal audit function to conduct the RBIA.


Techniques of Signature Verification & Detection of Currency

Signature verification is basic need for bankers. And loss due to forged signature is in increasing order. In Nepalese scenario, Forensic laboratory is continually receiving such forged cheques. The awareness towards it is essential for all bankers. And trade of counterfeit currency is big threat for our economy. This program is totally practical; quiz based as well as role play with support of video and power point  finding solutions. Foreign currencies will be handled physically during practical session to get knowledge perfectly.